Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Portrait of a DJ

Tom Dayton is a local man who has a love for music.  I asked him for an interview and a sample of his DJ skills here are some pics and one of his mixes and Im working on the finishing touches of the interview.  Enjoy

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A local artists portfolio

This is a portfolio website for Kiel Whitaker an up and coming artist here in St. George.  He graduated from SUU with a bachelor of fine arts and during this time created this website as his portfolio.  I thought it was a great example of expression and someone who has found their groove. Please check out his site he is very talented and I think you will enjoy.

Hi I’m Kiel Whitaker. I’m a painter, illustrator, and concept artist.
I’m available for work, you can contact me via intercontinental yodeling but if your yodeling isn’t up to snuff, you can contact me at

Monday, November 14, 2011

Can Social Media Change the world?

A well made example of shooting a talking head

Self Portraits on acting

Here are some examples of great actors and their self-potraits and opinions on acting.

Getting connected

So I thought I might write a bit about the difficulties of merging Mac and PC.  Doing this movie has not been an easy task.  Having an Android phone and a Mac book that don't really like to share can be nerve racking, especially when you have a great idea and it delays you in pulling it all together.

I have gone all kinds of routes and finally found Suneti to share my music and changed my equipment from the HTC phone to a GOPRO which is better quality anyway.

Though close ups and interviews would much better on another camera.  Im interested to know anyone else's experience in filming a motion picture film, and would grateful for tips and suggestions on living the duality of the PC/Mac world.  There has got to be a smother more efficient way to handle this?   Can't we just all get along?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pistachio Farming in the desert

The Fenclaire Farm
 Tyler Brown with Ashton his 2-yr. old, 2nd cousin 
Ripe Pistachios that are ready to harvest
"The Shaker"

"The Catcher"

All the boys young and old gathering the shake down to be sorted and shucked
Grandma Claire sorting the crop bucket by bucket
All the leaves and twigs have to be removed
"The Shucker"

With water and a spinning sanding wheel the outer skin of the pistachios are removed

As the skins are removed they go back into the soil to fertilize for next year.

After they have been shucked they are sorted by good and bad nut.  If they float, there is no nut and they cannot be used. If they sink they have a nut.  It's about a 50/50 ratio.

The solar/air drying racks for after they are soaked in salt water for a day

Then they go through the oven 

and you have warm delicious pistachios

Grandson Tyler Brown with Fenton 
 Fenton and Claire Moss still run this farm at the age of 90, their  family comes down at harvest time to take turns helping out. Finally after 10 years the harvest is good and the crops should be profitable.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Value of sound

1.Audio (and video) is different from print and photography in that it is Linear, not spatial.

2.When you are recording “Wild Sound,” you are essentially getting the audio equivalent of candid photography.

3.Silence = Reflection

4.Ambient sound is valuable for setting a scene when it’s interesting, and it’s useful for editing purposes even when it’s not.

5.A good script is well-written for the Ear, not the Eye.

6.The best way to learn to write is to Read and the best way to learn audio is to Listen.

Friday, September 9, 2011


This is an example of a self portrait that I found, it is only an intro but it really had a good feel to it.  I think the lighting and the shooting angles, along with the music keep you interested and stimulate emotions.  It does not feel complete though it feels like it is only a beginning.  I put it on here as an inspiration and because it sparks an idea.  I think that even finding pieces like this are crucial to the creative process.

Example of a video self portrait

Example self portrait

Friday, September 2, 2011

Self Portraits

So I'm beginning this blog with the idea that there is always a need for reflection on one's self.  Self portraits can be a creative, way to express everything you find.  A self portrait can be done in a variety of ways, and I intend to explore them all through this page and in the process help anyone who visits, to begin to create their own self portrait.  As I take this journey I would love to hear any feedback, or ideas from all of you.  I hope to post unique examples, ideas, and links to photography, writing, film, culinary, art, music, and many more ways of creating your self portrait.  So here we go.....